Friday, 6 March 2020

321 tale 37 the smile
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The smile

Once upon a time, there was a monkey who always smiled. He had a very nice smile but everybody around him knew that his smile was not sincere because he smiled at the flowers on the meadow, when the sun shone, when it rained, at the lion and the crocodile, at monkeys when they laughed and even when they cried.
Then one day, he was very sad because one of his favourite toys had broken. However, even then, he couldn’t stop smiling. So, he walked around with a big smile on his face although tears were running down his face.
There was a female monkey who felt pity for him and tried to help him. First, she massaged and kneaded his face because she thought that maybe his face muscles were caught in a cramp but it didn’t help, she tried different herbs and creams but even those didn’t soften his smile. Then, she had a wonderful idea; she took a lemon and stuffed it in his mouth. The bitter taste of this fruit suddenly tore is lips forward to form of a pointed “o”.
This recipe could be used even today!


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