Saturday, 21 December 2019

306 tale 25 the hare
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The decent character of a personality

The hare lived with many other very different animals in the forest. There was the badger, the frog, the deer, the fox, the raven ……….. By himself, he thought shattered one day: "How can I have a distinctive personality here in the forest, where there are so many different animals. Each one is outstanding in its own way. I have to look for a more suitable area." So he set off to leave the forest. He came into the desert. But there was no animal to whom his personality could have been expressed. So he set off again to search. He came to a meadow where many sheep grazed. "What is the name of this land?" He asked the first sheep. The answer came promptly and was very simple: "Baaah!" "This is the ideal place for me!" - thought the hare.

Continue with tale 26!


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