Friday, 27 December 2019

307 tale 26 / The Olympics of the animals
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The Olympics of the animals

The sun had just come up, the first birds began to sing and the monkey was still sleeping deeply on a branch fork. Nevertheless, when the turmoil around him grew more violent, it tore him out of dreams. His face betrayed a slight irritation, since he still had beautiful images in front of his mind's eyes. "He had just been chosen as the winner of all and his head crowned with laurels."
The dream had been so real that he wondered what he was doing here on the branch fork. The expression in his face turned into a smile again. "I'm the best!" He only needed spectators who would applaud. Therefore, the monkey went down to the elephant and pushed him in the side so it would give the signal with his trumpet for a big meeting of the animals.
It wasn't long before the forest, prairie, air, and water animals hurried from all directions to receive the good or bad news. There were different expressions on their faces.
Then the monkey climbed on the small rock in the middle of the square and raised his hands. Slowly, silence conquered the place and everybody waited to listen. "Today, it is the big day of the Animal Olympics!" One observing could see that nobody really knew what the Olympics should be. "I'm the best!" - continued the monkey. "I will compete against everyone in their own ability. I swim better than the fish, fly faster than the bird and jump farther than the frog.”
The animals' amazement grew. What was going on in the head of this monkey? "I'm going to compete against the frog first." He climbed down from the rock, took a stick and drew a line in the loose ground. Then he took off and hopped. Everyone was amazed that the monkey could make such jumps. Now the green animal stood behind the line, made a mediocre leap and landed on the other side of the square in the bushes, where no one could see it anymore. "Disqualified!" - cried the monkey. "The jury decided that the frog would be disqualified because it had left the runway." The animals did not understand what the words "disqualify and jury" meant, it was clear to them that the frog had jumped a lot farther. Nevertheless, they were not surprised when the monkey put some plant wreath (laurel) on his head.
The mood was actually getting better, the whole thing started to please the animals. The next competitor was the zebra. The monkey and the ungulate stood behind the start line. "Ready and go!" The relative of the horses had already run to the finish and back when the monkey had only reached the middle. Hard breathing, he crossed the finish line, turned and thought that he had been so fast that the zebra couldn't follow him. "I'm really fit today."
The fish was already waiting for its opponent on the bank. The monkey threw himself into the floods and started beating its arms wildly. Fearing that he would drown, the turtle swam under him and brought the drenched back to the shore. "This is cheating!" - he complained. "The armored animal prevented me from swimming!" He coughed and spat so much water that nobody could understand what he was saying.
Then he ran up a high rock. The animals were getting scared for him. The giant spider quickly spun a net under him, for the case the monkey thought of jumping down. "I fly faster than the birds can." And with the speed of a falling stone, he approached the ground, exactly into the elastic net of the spider, which always catapulted him back into the air with the same force. Every time he went up, he shouted, "I'm flying! Just look how I’m flying!"

Continue with tale 27!


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