Tuesday, 19 November 2019

300 / tale 20
Written by Rainer: rainer.lehrer@yahoo.com
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The next evening, the father hurried home because he was very curious about his children telling him the next part of the museum’s tale.

The children began like this!

Of course, those temples needed decoration; At the beginning, they brought flowers into the temple, but those flowers soon lost their petals and colours and had to be changed nearly daily because they withered. Then they carved figures like flowers, trees and animals, the sun, moon and stars into the stone, then they used colours which they extracted of the soil or of plants, sculptures and statues were shaped. This was the beginning of art.
The temples were not only a forum to gather but as well exchange information. Of course, not everybody could remember all the commandments and guidelines, which were expressed to improve coexistence, so they thought about a method to record them. Signs with a certain meaning were invented. At the beginning these resembled to small pictures, then to sounds and at the end to letters.
Naturally, everybody had to learn them and schools were established, first for everybody and after some generations only for children.
One day, one of the monkeys told the others that those inscriptions had been written long ago. First everybody looked at him in surprise but then, they understood that there was a difference between now, ago and coming times. That is present, past and future.
Soon all the walls very filled with pictures, signs and letters. Another method had to be found to transmit information. First they wrote on leaves and pieces of wood, then paper was invented. And paper could even be sent to others in other valleys. Monkeys were running around in the whole country to carry letters, then pigeons were employed. At the end, those mail carriers rode on carriages and horses.
For long, the whole country had been discovered and some meditated what could be on the other side of the great water. One monkey wanted to swim across the ocean but soon came back very exhausted. Then he sat on planks but he couldn’t take food so he nearly starved of hunger. Therefore, he built a boat but the waves were too violent. After a number of failed attempts, others came to his help and they constructed a big ship with sails and paddles.
A big crowd was gathering on the beach to see the ship and its crew off when they left to navigate across the big water.
They already knew the track of the sun and stars and followed them. So soon, other islands and continents were discovered.
The monkey inhabitants of these lands with thick tails, with thin arms, with small ears, with big noses, with short legs and long legs were very surprised to see these strange monkeys arriving at their shores. First, they thought those arriving were gods from heaven. The discovering monkeys spread the knowledge about the planet all over the lands, islands and continents.
Then, they sailed around the planet and noticed that it wasn’t a plate but a globe.
The ambition of those monkeys had no limits and each time, they observed the birds flying, it awakened their desire to do the same. First, they just jumped off high trees and flatted their arms like those of birds. Of course, the result was many broken bones.
For thousands of years, the dream of the flying monkey just remained fantasy but with the invention of the engine, the monkey hood was finally capable to conquer the air as well.
Radio waves and electricity made it possible to communicate by phone and all around the world without even using paper.
Now the monkey raised his eyes towards the sky. He wanted to visit the home of his sun, moon and star gods and goddesses. Therefore, he built a rocket with turbines and left his planet.
He discovered that the sun was much bigger than his own home. Suddenly, he felt so small.
He found out that he was the only living being in his galaxy. So, he decided to travel further. After many billions of light years in another galaxy, he suddenly perceived strange lights, din and movements, and as he came nearer, he could discern a tiny, blue planet.
It stank, was loud, tiny creatures shitted all around the place, killed each others because of religion or greed, plundered nature.
With horror, he discovered that these seemingly intelligent creature, who called themselves humans, would sooner or later detect the peaceful planet of the monkeys and destroy it.

That night, the father couldn’t sleep.


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